Richard TTS Tune Launched - 186bhp at wheel with tune

I think he is discussing both corrected and uncorrected numbers. At 11:22 he shows 179.98 and says uncorrected. Solid results either way for a tune.

I see 186bhp here on the Dyno at the timestamp. Not sure what you mean by :
At 11:22 he shows 179.98
Look below his fingers, not sure where the 186 comes from looking at the chart.
Could the 186 be uncorrected HP?
In the first chart where he compares tuned to stock he gets 174.89 tuned with a SAE correction factor of 0.934. This equals an uncorrected hp of 174.89/0.934=187.25. Then it looks like he reinstalls the db killer. The final chart gives a max hp of 186.6 uncorrected with the bd killers out. I assume the 184.46 is with the db killers in. If you correct these by multiplying by 0.937 (from the previous dyno runs, you get 174.8 and 172.8. I don’t know where he gets 179.98 from this chart. The data need to be standardized and SAE is a popular and conservative method.
If you LOOK the cursor just happens to be resting on 179.9. this doesn't mean it's the peak number,but where the cursor rests, a number pops up next to it.
The problem is that Richard is looking at the uncorrected data with and without the db killers, the max hp are shown on top as 184 and 186, respectively, but he says something like “the hp of day is just under 180, no correction” while pointing to where the cursor is, at 179.98.