Richard TTS Tune Launched - 186bhp at wheel with tune

Maximum torque in any gear is at full throttle. Since you don’t have a dyno, I think you should use your appropriate Penner tune before going overboard with other options.
yes you are right . But Penner himself wrote to me in a post (Maybe you read it too) saying to be careful using the map because for the 2023 model it is risky to load the map because there is something different in the 2023 ecu for compatibility purposes compared to previous models, and all the bits may not arrive with the risk of frying the ECU. While Richard says he has no problem creating a map for the 2023 model, he just wants to know from me the map number I have on the bike, so I'll have to read it and communicate it to Richard.
To be clear- the problem is with TuneECU and that model NOT with Penner's tune.
To be clear- the problem is with TuneECU and that model NOT with Penner's tune.
in fact I will do the reading of my map as Richard has asked me, and then I will want to be assured by him that everything will work out. only then will it be possible to understand what the problem is, provided Richard assures me that he won't fry my ECU
Richard says that the big restriction on the stock bike is the headers. Tuning will run up against that after which you will be spinning your wheels.
I agree with @dougl . But, hey, you guys going after this do want you want. We might all learn something.

I'm not one to talk after rebuilding my Roadster with @Neville Lush components and changing the pipes, but that was a big move guaranteed to produce big results and it absolutely, positively, without question, did. I think some of the "push back" you're hearing is that you're trying to squeeze out itty bitty HP differences by chasing these tunes in an attempt to chase numbers.

Beyond Penner's free tune I just don't think (and I may be 100% wrong) that you're going to FEEL that much difference when you're out riding and that's where it really matters, not chewing the fat outside the bar pointing at the bike and quoting numbers. You should be blowing by most bikes out there right now with the stock or Penner's tune.

But, throw some cams and pistons (or turbo) in there with some headers and THAT will be money well spent. You will now have a bike that is faster than a 2.5 Rocket and, as with the 2.3s, that really IS something, all numbers aside.

OK, I'll shut up now and watch with interest and an open mind as this holy grail quest continues...
you throw me down like this. you don't give me hope. where I live there are no good mechanics to do the jobs you say.