Revisiting my SH847 regulator/rectifier mount.

That is pretty much my view. I must stick a thermocouple in that box. Well once I have a clutch.
Add me to the list of impressed people for Bedifferent's mounting bracket for the SH847 mounting bracket. Very well done, and very solid. He gives excellent directions on how to mount everything together.

Regarding the vacuum hoses for the canister which has to come out, I made a modification to Idaho Red Rocket 3's note in another thread:

Nice work Bob. When I took my canister off I rerouted the hose to the canister back on the TB so it just goes from one TB to another.

In this thread, DEcosse gave an illustration of the hoses as they relate to the throttle bodies and the canister. I have all of the stock intake and did not want to go through the trouble of taking it all off to access the throttle bodies. In looking at DEcosse's illustration and Idaho Red Rocket 3's comment, I realized that if I connected the end of Pipe B which goes into the Purge Control Valve to the end of Pipe C where it goes into the canister, I would accomplish the same thing Idaho Red Rocket 3 did. I cut off the nipple on the Purge Control Valve onto which Pipe B is attached. I cut off the excess hose on Pipe B and Pipe C so there is not a lot flopping around in the space. In cutting Pipe C, I discovered that the ID of the hose is just a little smaller than that of Pipe B. I was able to press the end of each hose over each end of the nipple. They were very tight. I then used small zip ties to make sure they stayed on, and then used another zip tied to keep it pulled toward the new fuel line I ran from the overflow valve down to the underside of the bike. I have the Jack-Be_Quick bracket attached and the overflow hose came out just behind it.

In the photo below, just above and to the right of my finger, you can see the two hoses connected together with zip ties making sure they stay attached to the nipple from the Purge Control valve. The hoses above my finger, the one on the left is Pipe B, the second from the left is the new fuel line running from the overflow valve which can just be seen at the end of that hose, and the third from the left is Pipe C. The zip tie above my finger is to keep the hoses away from the SH847.

Started the bike and everything worked without throwing a code. Very pleased. Thank you all for this wonderful information.
Thanks @PaddyO . If I had access to the proper tools they would not only be practical, but a thing of beauty as well. Did I say... I miss my machine shop.

Wow, Bedifferent! If this is what you can make without “proper” tools, I can only imagine what you could do with “proper” tools. You are quite the artist! You are too modest!
Bedifferent can I buy one from you?
My review: The bracket fit very nicely and was an easy install. It came with good instructions and I'm very pleased with the results. Thanks much for this fine work Bedifferent!
Just did this on my bike 2015 Roadster. I had to cut off the part of the relay bracket that extends past the second bolt mount to the right when you face the bike. Removed the stock R&R and used a 1 and a half inch wide Aluminum strip (Ace Hardware) cut to length and drilled holes for R&R and attached it with countersunk metal screws for a lower profile on the back end and mounted the strip the the battery box mounting bolt and the lower end zip tied through a slot we cut on the Aluminum strip and through one of the mounting bolt holes of the old R&R.