It gets better all the time as I sit here typing this sipping on my third cup of coffee without a plan in this world today. I am slowly learning how to relax, and I like it. Ok, I admit I have taken on part time job two or three days a week, depending on order volume. It is a family owned business supplying tobacco products to convenience stores. I pull orders, put away stock, and unload trucks. After my first day, I was offered full time employment with more pay to make delivery's, I couldn't say no quick enough. Not to say anything bad about our younger generation, but their attitudes toward employment seems to differ greatly from folks a little longer in the tooth. The owner tells me he has been through numerous millennials in the past couple of years, where they just don't show up to work or can't take the "STRESS' of a hectic day. When I started looking for something part time there were quite a few opportunities for us grey haired "Old Farts", we are in demand. For anyone thinking of pulling the pin shortly, I would highly recommend the lifestyle, but give yourself a little adjustment period...........