RESPECT.. Must Watch

Wow, no small feat doing that, good on im!
Yeah Alan is Fanatastic to Watch he race's in the Australian domestic series called FormulaXtreme, the first time I seen him coming into turn 10 at Wakefield (a very techinical right hander leading on to the main straight) I nearly fell out of Flag point box He is amazingly Fast and was drifting coming out of the corner hard on the gas. sum him up in one word "Inspirational"
Thanks for posting that vid it made my day as people I tell about him think I am having them on.
It people like him that make me really enjoy Marshalling at the local races not just the international events
Hanso .i am just glad i found it ,just goes to show what people can do even with the worst problem in life
Alan gets my vote for being "Inspirational"
Hanso .i am just glad i found it ,just goes to show what people can do even with the worst problem in life
Alan gets my vote for being "Inspirational"

simply incredible ! the fortitude of heart of this man put to shame most of us complaining days in or out for some silly little irritation in our life .. I say it squarely make me realize how lucky I am and he has my everlasting admiration.
That is truly amazing..... Thanks for sharing
I will see when fomulaXtreme is next up your way and see if he is on the entry list, Mittzy
Have seen video before, it is just amazing what can be done.