Resetting Adaption


.060 Over
Oct 12, 2013
Southern Louisiana
2014 Rocket 3 Roadster
Ok! First a Big Thanks to Hanso for hooking me up with a Map that will hold me until I can get a custom tune. I downloaded the map. I also downloaded and printed the PDF for the instuctions to TuneEcu. After downloading the map I followed the instuctions to the letter as to how to reset adaption. While the engine was running and everything happening as it suppose to, the TPS light never turned green on my computer screen on TuneEcu. I let it run 30 minutes. Instructions say it would take 15 to 20 minutes. Also leaves me with an engine light on and my gas gauge is all messed up too. Like it was when I first bought the bike. Hopefully I can get a custom map done soon!!!
Any and all suggestions Greatly appreciated.
Check the engine code with TuneECU and let us know what the problem is that is causing the CEL to stay on.
Apparently the error codes are different for the Roadsters so he will either need to access a Roadster workshop manual or ask his dealer
Also he may have accidently disconnected part of the engine management wording plugs while ignition was on and if so and all connections are right may just need to disconnect his battery for 1/2 Hour to reset errror or reset with TuneECU
Sorry Ken but have been having issues with home internet since my provider switched me to the new higher speed platform or I would have said the above via e-mail
I tried unhooking the battery for better than 30 min. Still have the engine light. Hooked tuneEcu back up and go this.

With the engine running the TPS SENSOR GAUGE up at the top of this screen is not at all moving. Even when I rev the engine


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Try loading the original Roadster map to see if that fixes it.

If you have managed to load a non Roadster map you are lucky the bike runs. I copied all the tables from a 20050 dyno map for my 05 Rocket into a Roadster map and loaded that, it ran like crap, so the bike is sensitive to what you program into the ECU. The Roadster map is written differently and the values do not cross refer, but it does read Lambda sensor and TPS voltages etc in the same way. If you have loaded an unusual map, not for meant the Roadster this isn't a surprise. Hanso's stuff is usually good though.

The fuel gauge will not work with a new loaded map until the bike has travelled about 5 miles.

TuneEcu should clear the code if you ask it to. It works fine on my Roadster but mine is a 2011 one but I was under the impression TuneEcu was ok for the new model's ECU.

Try loading the original map, clear the code and see if it is ok then start again, also you can clear adaptations with the engine off.

Adaptations are just fuel trims the ECU has made during the engine running in the same way a power commander does, resetting just makes then all go to zero. This can be done with the engine running or not, it's just deleting a temporary value in the ECU memory.
Thanks Al. The map Hanso sent me was from a 2010 roadster. Same pipes and simular filters. I sent him my map and he put the numbers in from the 2010 map that was tuned by Neville Lush. I looked up what Lambda Sensor is . O2 sensor. I checked the connection all looked good. After futher studying the PDF on the ECU I erased the error code. It has not came back on. Bike seems to be running good. Im guessing I will be alright until I can get on the dyno now. Thanks all and Again Thanks to Hanso!!!
Tried the stock map with 10% fuel added. A little more decel popping. Not really what Im worried about. Resetting Adaption wont reset. The TPS gauge on tune ecu stays on zero as it is not reading the throttle postion sensor. Should it not move when you rev the engine? Idle is still up and down. Never a steady idle. **** dealer closed till next week. Any thoughts??? Everytime I try to reset adabtions it throw the Lambda sensor code P0130. I clear the code and it stays off until I reset again.