Request Trailer Advice

I would have thought that Mrs. Hombre would have decided the issue. Any chance not to have to use a port-o-pot would be top of any woman's list, so my female friends say.
Come on Walt, just get a diesel pusher and put an enclosed trailer on the back. You might as well have unrestrained comfort and a queen sized bed so you can sleep well before race day. I looked at a Newmar that even had a washer and dryer built in.

Pigger is right, the RV industry is down the dumper. Fleetwood in Napanee, Indiana is all but closed up and the unemployment rate out that way is like 18 percent. I read an article a few weeks ago that even the Amish (lots of them wotk at RV factories) are applying for unemployment.

We need a good natural disaster to jump start the RV industry. FEMA can order thousands of RV houses then.
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