Replacing handlebar grips


Aug 16, 2024
England, County Durham
2023 R3 GT
The grips on my GT are quite scuffed. I don't know why as the bike only has 4000 miles on it. Maybe the previous owner wore abrasive gloves.
Anyway, I'd like to replace them. Is it possible to just replace the rubbers or do you have to buy the whole heated grip assembly?

I notice all the aftermarket grips I've looked out say they're not compatible with heated grips. The heated grips are working fine and I definitely want to keep them, I'd just like to replace the rubbers. Triumph dealers only list the full heated assembly which is £225.
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Grips and heat are all one unit. You'd have to either replace kit, or install grip sleeves over top. There may be some thinner sleeves that may improve feel and allow heat to penetrate. I had non-heated grips and installed heated grips, found both relatively hard grips, though heated beyond slightly harder.
The stock grips are a very soft compound. My left was wearing with only 14k km. I flipped it 180 degrees.
When I swapped my bars, I learnt that they are a Triumph specific design, as they are moulded to fit on the Triumph tubes.
You could probably get some generic grips to fit, but they wouldn't fit into the mouldings.
Surely, as a consumable item, Triumph has to have grips available.
look into leather wrap grips strips for handlebar?
look into leather wrap grips strips for handlebar?
That's not a bad idea if the heat will still come through.
I have a tendency to tingling fingers, probably from work-related nerve damage, and I don't like grips that are too fat as they seem to make it worse. And fat grips make the throttle action feel odd. Before I had it blue-printed, my Ducati used to set my fingers off. I bought some thick foam grips from Nippy Normans. They felt great at a standstill but made the throttle feel weirdly unresponsive when riding so I took them off.
Black leather wraps might work though.
Another simple solution may be to get gloves that have good padding in fingers and palms. I find most gloves are lacking, but may be some out there. Once I added women's shoes stick on heel pads inside gloves for the palm area and they worked great.
chinese hybrid leather will definitely allow heat to pass
On several motorcycles I had a problem like this because my hands are too big for the diameter of the handles so I went to a tennis racket seller and I put "overgrip" on my handles... There are different thicknesses available and the prices are correct. Try this system it will allow you to keep the heating function of your original handles!
My GT had worn heated grips and covered them with "Grip Puppies". Work great with heat penetrating as needed. They came in a 4 pack, so I can replace
second time. I've had them on for ~700 miles, but holding up well so far. They're cheap.
