Replacement Horn Cover 2010 Roadster

Maybe it's time for some mods Marty, maybe an eagle to scare the birds away.

As soon as she is out of warranty like most of you guys the mods will begin with exhausts and who knows where and when it will be finished.

Totally addicted now, want more speed, want more power, 7 and some bling.
I've had suicidal rabbits try to use my Rocket as their preferred method of ending it all. Luckily I've dodged the litter bastards.
I wish to pass on my many thanks and gratitude for all the help and comments on my search for a replacement horn cover

Would would have thought a plastic piece of bling does arrange in price from $40 to $89.95Au, nothing but extortion and highway robbery.

Going to try a local plastic welder for a temporary fix, the of to find a replacement horn/s (Loud) and or a different cover.

Something evil looking should do it, maybe a cast self portrait, that'll definitely stop the little feathered bastards coming anywhere near me.

Thanks again men and enjoy the holidays Marty

Probs the best plan anyhow since the stock horn is a bit on the squeaky side of an injured pup.
Stebel air horn is definetly the way to go. Stock horn is pathetic. Put mine under the left side cover using the Eastern Beaver Single Horn wiring kit. Very easy install. Every time I use the horn I scare myself!
Big Marty, keep the idea in the back of your mind and while your out doing whatever, you will find the ideal cover to modify. Try any place that sales chrome stuff, truck parts, ebay, etc.