repair of a motor of idling is possible?

Google conversion ...its what i do ...its ALL i can do to try and understand and help...its interesting too...if you just copy and paste the post and transfer it to a 'Russian to English" translation will get it.
Google conversion ...its what i do ...its ALL i can do to try and understand and help...its interesting too...if you just copy and paste the post and transfer it to a 'Russian to English" translation will get it.
Yes that is how I determined it was most likey a primary tps problem. To some the translation is funny which I see why but some easter block languages are like hispanic and sometimes has three words for every word depending on male, female, neutral applications. Don't ask me how the fag or dark siders fit in
..i'm hearin you...the translation sometimes is humorous but i get what it means...most times

Yes! look, they are in good condition, no cracks.
Yes! look, they are in good condition, no cracks.
My opinion change them all.. it took me weeks to find one of the plug caps had dry rotted. Couldn't see the cracks until I started to pull it off. Immediately realised the hoses were hard to tell so down to the local auto parts store and change al hoses and plug caps. Better then chasing a little demon. You call its easier to change them while the tank is off. You don't need the expensive triumph ones just cut the hoses to the same length. And look closely at the plastic fitting they plug into its cheaply made and cracks easily.
[QUOTE = "warp9.9, post: 587165, member: 1328"] Мое мнение изменило их все ... мне потребовались недели, чтобы найти, что одна из заглушек загнила. Не мог видеть трещины, пока я не начал снимать это. Сразу понял, что шланги было трудно сказать об этом до местного магазина автозапчастей и поменять все шланги и заглушки. Лучше тогда гоняться за маленьким демоном. Вы звоните, их легче менять, когда танк выключен. Вам не нужны дорогие триумфы, просто отрежьте шланги одинаковой длины. И присмотритесь к пластиковому фитингу, который они вставляют в его дешевую конструкцию и который легко трескается. [/ QUOTE]

хорошо, спасибо