removing exhaust for Modification... zoom zoom to Broom broom.
Planning to remove the exhaust box thing and have the meerkat modification done NZ style.
Any tips on how best way to remove the exhaust, do I need to remove the headers?
I have just assembled an Ixil, no need to dismantle the collector. Accessing and reassembling the new exhaust, without a catalyst of course but with a tranquilizer box, is done without problem but a motorcycle lift is an appreciable help! I haven't had the mapping redone for the moment, everything works correctly but the backfires when cutting the throttle are even more present and, for the first time in my life, I fitted the dB killers.. .
I think I will also soon remove:
- the AIS to lower the temperature at the cylinder head outlet and stop the backfires which does not help the engine working correctly
- the EVAP as a matter of principle...