Removing baffles from stock exhaust

so will the TORS increase the sound of the performance? maybe between a TORS and a K&N a little more performance, but for the most part, the R3 has plenty of performance for me

Don't waste any money on a K&N under seat filter. You get no benefit over the OEM paper filter.

I just bought a 07 classic router with the 3 pipe exhaust. Wondering if you could point me on the direction you went. Wanted Jardine but they are few and far between and pricey when found
ramair is waaay too technie for me, i'm not a wrench turner, i'm a simple drop it in and it works kind of guy

I did this last’ll actually trust our friends here who encouraged was easy with a couple of tip ie washers and longer two bolts to refit bear claw. can do it and you’ll know it was done with loving care!
Tors are strait pipes. Mine are hollow
In doing this, didn't you loose some of the back pressure thus some of the torque?
I have a 2005 R3 with the three pipe setup and removed the baffles by hammer and chisel; also chopped off 9 and half inches, just last week i put turn down exhaust ends on and in order to slide them in some way i also used the dremel in order to remove some wire mesh which surrounds the inside if the exhaust pipes; I'll show some pics when i'm finished, i will also readjust my throttle bodies and make sure everything is breathing and firing proper W/tune ecu! "Be Safe"