Removed the secondaries today


Jul 19, 2009
Santa fe, NM
I finally removed the secondaries today. It was quite a bit easier than I thaught it would be. Significant improvement in throttle response. hit the throttle @2500-300 in first and the front came up with ease.
I only got about 30 miles today but will ride more tomorrow. Seems to get up and go a bit quicker. Now to get rid of that **** speed limiter.
Not bad for an hour of my time and 0$.
I know Skip likes
his better since he
pulled his secondaries out
If you decide to put them back in, use Blue, not Red Locktite. And if you are sure you will not be putting them back in, I would like to buy 2 of the little brass screws from you! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Why would I put them back in?
I have only done a few miles so far but it seems to help.
As for the screws If I decide for sure to leave them out, which is most likely, you can have them.
could someone please tell me what the secondries are?and whats involved with removing them and for what gain?cheers :? :shock:
No lag from opening throttle & taking off like a scalded cat.

MiamiDave did a combined K&N + removal of secondaries here........