Recommendation for blind spot mirrors for R3T

Zone; I was just being a little of a smartas. Sorry if my comment rubbed you the wrong way. I have a lot less experience ridding than you do and like the quiet Valkyrie as much or perhaps more than the Rocket just because it is quiet.

I have posted before about the same thing. I would like a set of "blindspot" warning flags on my MC mirrors like what I have in my cars. I would like the flags on my mirrors to be larger. For some reason people like to ride side by side or on someone's blind sport. It's beyond me why avoiding these positions is not part of auto safety instruction. Most people don't even know what the blind spot it.

The idea of the convex 180 degree mirror looks good. I would try one.
It may be sacrilege, but I think some HD mirrors have a section which is angled differently so that you can see the blind spot. The question is, if they can be made to fit, are you humble enough to put them on?
Ya but those are specific for HD push mode !!!
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