Received this from Tampa dealer and link to Daily Herald ( UK)

I guess nobody has heard of Moto2? Triumph is the supplier of engines for this series starting next season with far more power than the current Honda CBR600s
The Mini was designed by a Greek anyway, wasn't it?
Alec Issigonis - Wikipedia
Bit like trying to claim the Royal Family is British when it is just really German and Greek too?
I guess nobody has heard of Moto2? Triumph is the supplier of engines for this series starting next season with far more power than the current Honda CBR600s

To me it's a exercise in failure. Wahoo, supply engines to the second string racing division and no bike to sell to take advantage of their product placement.

I get it, it's a full OCD circle satisfaction to release the D765 concurrent with the start of the 2019 racing season, but, they could release it NOW and build on the hype and sell stacks of bikes. Instead, they'll release it a year later, when the news is stale and people are over it (though, there's a small chance it's the bike to be unveiled on 25 July).

PS: The D765 is already done, they showed of a finished version at the track testing day recently wearing what will effectively be the "R" or "RS" trim for brakes and suspension.

Anyway, I sat and fondled the H2 SX SE again today... and... totally in love. It's got a low seat height for a sportbike, high bars, lowish pegs, and a rearsets, but a gentle knee bend. Could ride that bike a million miles and be in pure bliss.
The Mini was designed by a Greek anyway, wasn't it?
Alec Issigonis - Wikipedia
Bit like trying to claim the Royal Family is British when it is just really German and Greek too?
The Royal Family is European....and kin to much of ALL of European royalty. But after Brexit you must banish that thought. The British Royals are British and you must think no other blasphemy!
Respectfully I disagree. World wide I bet more riders actually use them for transport than recreation.

Hobby riders are passionate about their mounts. We are therefore blinded. But they are TOYS. Big and expensive toys.
But as we can see on here - WE DO NOT DEPEND ON THEM. How many of us have more than 1 bike?. And I'll guess a car too.

Always will it be so. But MANY are attracted by a lifestyle - a sense of belonging. Not the vehicle.
I have the biggest production M/C - So what? - it is what it is. It is NOT why I bought it.
And I most certainly do not buy into the "brotherhood thing" , the bikers handshake etc - please!
If I wanted to join a brotherhood - I'd have followed my Grandfather into the Free Masons.

I know that transport ownership in the US is relatively cheap. This is NOT always the case elsewhere.
Do not therefore underestimate COST. Even when talking about toys - or maybe especially when talking about toys (oddly was discussing this paradigm with a mate in the airgun world this weekend past).

Commuters, dispatch riders, blood runners, Law Enforcement are day to day users. It has to be reliable, usable, practical.
If it is also your personal transport - it has to be multi-faceted. More-so if it is your ONLY transport.
Maybe I see this side as my entrance into 2 wheels was because I needed transport and had no licence (The "L" plate starter UK riders understand).
Any vehicle unable to carry some luggage is not practical. Not if you believe in ATGATT.

We each see the beast from our personal perspective. But the R3 is NOT an all-rounder.
It is the reason I do not use mine to commute. It is simply not enjoyable on the roads between home and work.
My old Guzzi is very well suited - but she is cosseted as befits her years.

And after several forays into the UK - nobody is going to convince me that an R3 suits current UK roads and traffic.
I generally judge based on people’s passion for biking, whenever or however they ride.

Some cruise at 60mph, some SEND IT WFO everywhere, some do both. Some commute and some only play, but if there’s passion there’s a biker there.

Personally I commute, and play, and send it, and cruise....

It’s a mentality imo not a usage thing.
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What Rob said . . .
Thunder lizards.