Recall for 2020 Rocket 3 Rear Brake

A bolt came out of the engine while draining the oil????? Please let us know when you find out. Too bad you didn't get a picture of it so the armchair detectives could have a guess as to it's origin. Monday/Friday bike??
Did this rear brake recall a few days ago - was officially published December 2020 in EU, but I never received an email or plain old letter about it... I just checked on Triumph Website with my VIN after having read this forum.
Rear brake was a bit soft indeed, but this has never been an issue - I only rely on the rear brake pedal to trigger the stop lights when using engine brake, or better handle the bike at slow speed, and it has been working well enough for this.
Dealer's head of mechanics told they did this recall several times, by following a 30min specific Triumph procedure.
Point is, after this recall done, rear brake is stiffer and more efficient for same pressure... we'll see in some hundreds Km.
Anyway, in EU with MUST do such recalls for the manufacturer warranty and insurances to work without surprises, and for the vehicle to comply with regulations.
Just checking... no recalls yet
You need a bunch of people to complain to National Highway safety board
Man I've been lucky with mine. I had a brake bleed and not a single problem since. I hope my good luck streak continues.

My only bad luck has been a nail in the tire at like 3k miles that caught on the fender and immediately ripped out, causing me to lose all tire pressure in about 100 yards.
I had the Triumph recall letter for the rear brake issue, so got my bike booked in with my local dealer. when I dropped the bike off they checked the VIN and said the bike no longer had any recalls and was up to date. I said the bike had not had the work done and had absolutely no pressure on the pedal, so they agreed to do the work. They checked the Triumph data base and it showed my bike with a PDI and full service history but all done in Germany, WTF! They are trying to get to the bottom of it but have no answer yet. I am a little concerned that any further safety recalls on my bike may get missed as the bike in Germany is getting my notices.
Anyway, the back brake is done for now, let's hope it has done the job.
I wouldnt be too concerned bro as its just a bleeding issue....i did mine myself when the peddle went a bit soft...not a biggie.
My 2020 GT was on recall for the brake bleed also.. Funny though that the bike rear brake was perfect for over 5 months, then when i let the bike sit for 3 months over the winter
the brake went completely down on my first ride.. Bled the brake using a mini vacuum brake bleeder that took all of 20 mins. Quite a bit of air came from the caliper
and is good again.. Hope it stays that way through this winter.
i used a rubber hose into a plastic jar with clean fluid in it.....a walking stick to reach the pedal and a ring spanner to loosen and tighten the bleed valve as i went. About a half dozen or so pumps, topping up the reservoir as i went until there were no more bubbles and i had a good strong pedal. a bit easy really.