Rear luggage worth the money ?

sorry to hear of your troubles Coops, hope they do the decent thing
I think its 12kg for both bags although my mate used his with 7kg in each bag with no problem. I cant see the subframe being the week point as your back rest and rack is on that to. Yes where you use the bolts to fix the brackets to might be a weeker point. As you know putting stainless bolts into ally threds will be a week point. As i said the brackest i made all from stainless steel fit well. I went to Dorset for a lont weekend with my wife i had 7kg in eack of my bags had no problem at all. So i think the 5kg is what Triumph say to cover there backs....
Hi guys I live in the uk and want to tour next year on my new r3 is the pannier system worth the considerable expense or are there any alternatives ? Tia.
Greetings! I'm pretty sure your R3 is a 2020... but you have 2019 noted on your profile. I"m thankful my '14 R3T has plenty of storage space. Good luck in your hunt!
The hardware folds away like the rear footrests
The bags are complete CRAPOLA.. they are 1) small, 2) not water proof and 3) the zippers get stuck frequently. Unless you live in Arizona the first good rain storm you ride in your belongings are soaked. Wait until some after market outfit retrofits hard waterproof bags.
I don't agree that they are crap, so far as small, you would know that before you order them, also that they are not waterproof was not hidden, and they come with rain wrappers. Agree that the zippers could be smoother.
The bags are in proportion to the bike to make the aesthetics correct. Sort of like to scale. They tried to keep the Rocket the focal point first and the bags secondary. At first I didn't like the Triumph bags but now I like them. They would be perfect for the type of solo riding I do. The bags and a rack for a backpack and it's off to Carmel. The one and only thing that hasn't changed in California is the beautiful coast line. That is, if you dodge the gang bangers driving through San Jose and Salinas. John Steinbeck would be pissed if he saw what the Salinas area looks like now.
1) true
2) true
3) ymmv

Don't think they are crap, though. At least not for me. I am a solo rider and the bags provide me with more space than I would ever need for for the week-long trips I can do. As with most bags and cases, one is well advised to store clothing and shoes in drybags inside the bags - but you old touring hands know this of course...
I'll be fitting my Hepco & Becker Rugged Brown bags and rear bag over the winter once the C-Bow carriers arrive and I pick up my rear rack when my bike gets the rear brake recall work done.... will post a new thread or add to this one...
I have the bags and yes they are smallish but I think with a tank bag and tail bag there is enough space for a long weekend.

What I really like about the bags is that when removed there is no tacky looking mounting bracket still on the bike. I think this is one of the best parts of the kit.

Perhaps an aftermarket company could make bigger/waterproof bags that use the Triumph mount kits. That would make a lot of people happy.