rear clicking noise


.060 Over
Mar 15, 2014
Homer, Michigan
2007 Rocket 3 Classic Tourer
As if my bike didn't hate me enough...
I took my bike out for a ride and I was hearing a clicking noise which sounded like it was coming from the rear wheel. I killed the bike and coasted and sure enough there is a loud clicking noise which is consistent with the rotation of the rear tire.

I rolled the bike back and forth and couldn't find a nail or a stone in the treads. Maybe its a bearing? Anything else I should be looking for?

Mine was a bearing. I replaced them and the seal and it went away. There are quite a few threads on here that talk about it. I went with all balls racing but was later told they are not the best quality.
Word of caution. Had a rear wheel bearing on a Harley juts collapsed. Lucky i did not dump the bike. No damage to rim but did end up trailer the bike back to the house. Slight clicking noise coming from rear prior to disaster.
I rode mine with the clicking for a little while with no problems, but definitely wouldn't wait to long.
well, after a lot of work, and some money, the bearings are replaced. They all felt fine though. I kept them and they all seem to spin freely. I need to get some grease for the drive shaft splines and the hub splines before I re-install the wheel. Any recommendations?