Ready to ride a ROCKET


I have a 2013 Touring and a friend of mine has a 2008 Touring. I have remapped his and other than mine having TORS and RamAir and being much better looking there really isn't huge a difference I can tell. Mine is faster but I have done more mods to mine, his is still box stock other than mods to make it fit him better, he is 6'7" tall.

BTW, see how that HD is waaaayyyyy over there, afraid to come any closer to these awesome machines, that happens a lot.
Wow, those are beautiful. I especially like that black/white combo. Can't wait to ride one. I fly to Phoenix and rent so usually it is either a Harley or a gold wing. I am way too cramped on the wing and if I can't get a road glide, I have to rent a road king and although I love the motor, I feel like I am on a mini-bike. Last time I was lucky enough to rent a victory Vision, very comfortable machine but I would have liked even more power. Seriously thought about a victory Vision for a while but always gravitate away from a pure touring bike. I believe the rocket III tourer just might be the thing for me. My roadstar has been great, 50k miles and 50mpg, better than a Harley but it is time for something new.
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G'Day from Aus mate

Thanks. I grew up loving ALL THINGS Britt, the Beatles, Emma Peel (Diana Rigg) and Triumph motorcycles. I learned on my Uncle's 69 Bonnie when I was 14 but had eight good years before that riding in the dirt. Back in those days biker guys chopped and bobbed Triumph motors. AMF Harleys were junk, total slugs. I wanted a Bonnie so bad when I first goy out of college but had to settle for a Yamaha 650 twin. Then a Honda cb1000, then a Suzuki gs1150e (what a machine that one was). I guess it is finally time for a Britt bike. Just have to ride one and check it out.
Suzuki gs1150e (what a machine that one was)

Wasn't it though. At one time I had the 1150E and a Honda Hurricane 1000 (replaced the Suzuki) at the same time and I was wearing a grin that would never go away. The Suzuki is a memory, the Hurricane is in the shed.

Howdy from Edmonton Alberta! and welcome to the best forum on the web, the worst part of the test drive is the hours it will take to wipe the grin off your face
Wasn't it though. At one time I had the 1150E and a Honda Hurricane 1000 (replaced the Suzuki) at the same time and I was wearing a grin that would never go away. The Suzuki is a memory, the Hurricane is in the shed.

I rode the fire out of my GS1150. Best handling power bike on the streets in its day. I remember several trips on the BRP and up to Mt Mitchell on it. That bike could do anything. Needless to say, I do not ride like that now, lol. A tourist in Myrtle Beach pulled out in front of me back in 1990 totaling the bike (and almost me) hit him going 40mph. Like being shot out of a cannon. I thank God every day I survived that one.
I've got an 08 for sale if you're interested. For Sale - Selling 2008 R3T