Re skin mufflers???


254 RWHP Lush Racing Engine
May 24, 2010
Melbourne Australia
2010 Triumph Rocket Roadster
Gday lads, got a question for you knowledgeable bunch.

As i recently installed a Reband complete race exhaust system on my R3R, i decided to keep the original bits and get rid of my TORS. Well a mate of mine decided he'd take them so sent them to him via post.

Now apart from taking an extra day or two, and although i believe they were bubble wrapped, Aus Post managed to be rough enough with them that when they arrived the mounting brackets from one has dented the other skin.

Now obviously, I'm going to just take them back but my question is, can these puppies be repaired? Kinda don't wanna just turf a set of TORS cause of a few little dents, but wouldn't expect anyone to fit dented pipes on their pride and joy.

Now short of using the pipes for smacking the **** that damaged them in the head to even out the dents, anyone got any ideas how to fix a dented muffler. I kinda feel like **** for letting down my mate who has been hanging to get them for weeks, now he's back on the shopping look out.

i know its my own fault for not opening the box and checking they were wrapped and divided properly, so before you have a go at me for being a nob, i already recognise that.
Without seeing them......there is a gadget called Pops-a-dent that can pull small dents out of car doors etc. I actually bought one to try on the fridge (true) but never got around to it. Got it on eBay. Anyway, you could try to get most of the dent out one way or another and then get them powder coated. Maybe. Just a thought.
Yeah that is a thought. There are those dent puller fellas. Wonder how they'd go. Apparently the fella who's got them is thinking of maybe getting the cover with carbon fibre. now thats what i call awesome. carbon TORS, might just start a trend!
Yeah that is a thought. There are those dent puller fellas. Wonder how they'd go. Apparently the fella who's got them is thinking of maybe getting the cover with carbon fibre. now thats what i call awesome. carbon TORS, might just start a trend!

Unless they've change the ones I used you had to drill a small hole for the self tapper on the end of the puller then weld up the hole.

Dont think a puller will work ponters because of the metal strength and the round contour, maybe pull the thread before the dent but you could try if you are powder coating.

Don't do the same with the spotties mate

LOL, i will wrap the spotties myself i think!

Should be ready to send to you this week coming!
I should have a good idea how that will sound by the end of next week, hopefully, as thats when mine should be ready. Yippeeeeeee (Thanks to the ground work Ponters had done and the posts). The only difference for mine is I will have the first chromed ones. The heat shields will be black though, with the bike been a Classic with all its chrome already they won't look out of place, in fact I will be loosing some chrome, 2 exhausts worth.
When ya ready cob no rush

Hows the ole girl running mate and obviously the bike hav'nt seen a video yet or a sound file

runs awesome. im really happy with it. as far as vid goes ive got a brand new video camera thats worked once and cant seem to get battery to charge. having it looked at and hope to get it back next week.

will definitely post something very soon though.

i reckon the chrome will really make them look the part. make sire you post a pic when you get them.
That will be a definate with the pics and will also get a Dyno done at some time with a new tune to suit to see what difference I have achieved. My base point at the moment is 142hp. Ric told me one they done recently and it put out 164hp but he wasn't sure if anything extra had been done to the bike. I can't wait.....glad wet crappy weather is forecast for next week, that will lessen the pain I suppose.

did you have insurance from the outfit that wrapped and shipped these pipes?