RDU Riding Pics

yes I too can be thin skinned when certain pet hates are involved I Never did drugs and hate the fact that I need to resort to strong pain relief but I guarantee they are only taken when absolutely needed the past couple of days I have been going for walks as recommended by my GP and I am in agony after only going around the block.
Sorry but somethings piss even Mr Nice Guy off sometimes

Bad hair day Hanso .. all in jest .............. Having slept on it i think this may be the golden oppportunity all of us 'blacks' have been waiting for , a slim chance to get you to stop having a go at us in regards to being a 'reluctant pill popper' all i can say is "f#ckin tell me about it"... now ,you were ok about being referred to as a " scooter riding latte sipping bald guy" ??
As if I'd be flipping off Catherine (or TC for that matter). OK, may TC, but I wasn't anyway. Nah, I was just showing some attitude. You know, my tough, "don't mess with me" side.

Was that pic taken before you started wearing women's clothes ??

cmon big fella we all know your not a pill popping racist TC is just winding u up
bald yes scooter riding latte drinker yes wear the ocassional dress maybe but we still like ya mate lol
I have never refered to anybody personally or used the word you have used is (undelined and enlarged)
The "red is faster" banter was actually not started by me, I and others here have merely used it in jest refering to bikes colours. I really couldn't give a rat's arse if you rode a bike pink with yellow spots and If I had been able to have a choice of colours previously used I would have choosen the yellow that they used a few years ago it has never been a personal comment but to call a person a Racist crosses the line it is more of a personel attack.... think about
You know as well as i do there was no harm intended .. how you choose to see it is f#ckin completely up to you mate.........PS If you feel the need to discuss this gimme a call or text me and i'll call you. I don't intend to keep responding here.