*** RDU Melbourne *** 17-19 Oct 2014

Will you be attending?

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Just a question ok ... but has anyone made cast iron set in stone plans for the RDU Victoria date nominated ? Why I ask is that a certain Owner ( who will at this stage remain nameless) has to attend a function on a small island to the east of Australia on that date.. he can't and doesn't want to not attend this important family function. I told him I'd ask (he is too shy , I guess) if it was possible to have RDU before or after that weekend. Speak now or forever hold your tongue ... thanks
Can't remember. Think November was the problem (and December not good at all). Pretty sure I'm fully flexible otherwise.
Guess wait and see if there are protests regarding closeness to the GP or whatever .. if not I'm sure the Owner I asked for will chirp up ( Kiwis chirp don't they , know they can't fly but think they can chirp ) anyway we'll see what those that are attending have to say.
Thanks TC for the kind jester , Best to leave the date as is, a weekend either side wont make any difference for me not being able to attend.
Helen & I are planning the Great Ocean Road ride around Xmas time so hopefully we can catchup with some of the southerners then.
This is my current plan. Just putting it out there to see if anyone else is thinking along the same lines.
Leave Qld approx. 13th or 14th Oct heading south on all the fun roads, arriving for the RDU gathering on Friday 17th.
Mon 20th Oct head out along the Great Ocean Rd, making the plan up as I go.
Thurs 23rd Oct head to Phillip Island for the GP.
Mon 27th Oct head back to Qld.
Good News / Bad News

Good News first...I just landed a new consulting contract with a company that runs through 2017 that increases my billable rate significantly so I can now more adequately support my MC habit.

Bad News...Nurse Ratchet and I had planned on spending at least three weeks in Oz with RDU happening somewhere in the middle of that time. It now looks like the most I will be able to get away is 2 weeks. This may put a slight damper in our plans for the Oz trip...too soon to tell.