*** RDU Melbourne *** 17-19 Oct 2014

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We should start a separate thread for those of us who want to ship our bikes to Adelaide, might get some good discounts if there are a few of us. I'm up for it. My wife has been on at me for years to take her to Tassie, perfect opportunity!

Great idea mate.
I have been told of a family gathering across the ditch the same weekend and her indoors said "Don't even think about it"....... must have been the look I gave her, but its still awhile away yet and anything happen.

I can store the bikes at my warehouse if needed . We have plenty of room and security .
I'm thinking of coming over , TC. Not promising yet, gotta see if I'd have enough annual leave/the missus's mood/s.. hahaha [ quick look over my shoulder, nah she's still watchin the telly]...cash situation, you know, all those little things . I was thinking of riding over, adelaides not far [for me] and althought ive done the paddock 1000 times, I haven't ridden over.Would be good to meet up with the crew. Probably wont do Tassie, it would most likely make me homesick. But yeah, I think RDU14 could be possible for me. Of course, I would bring 'Pony' my Carp bike,maybe a mate could bring 'Shorty'.
Sounds good mate , well all but the 'riding across the Nullarbor' that is. Guess if there was half a dozen bikes it would make the ride a tad more enjoyable .. (tad is a tiny tiny measure ) .. hahahaha
Riding over from WA would be one thing but knowing you've gotta turn round and go back would be the killer for me. Maybe ride over and ship back.
I really hope some of you westies can come. If a few will commit it makes it easier for others to decide.

When TC and I went to Tassie recently the cost for the boat, cabin, 2 nights hotel in Tassie (w b'fast) was $800. Ponters negotiated a great deal for us but that was a large group. It could cost more. Anyone planning to scoot across Bass Straight will need to allow for at least that much and probably $1000 + to be sure. Next time I go over I want it to be for at least a week.
I'm doing around 6000km per 5 days a week in a triple roadtrain, that weighs about 90+ ton, averaging around 80-90 kmph. 3000km to Adelaides a walk to the shops to me.knock that out real quick, even riding legally haha, on a bike. Won't ride after dark either. At this stage, my commitments around 60%.
I'm a definite. Not sure how much time off I will have though and would rather do Tassie than the Paddock- that said, I won't take too much convincing to do the Perth/Adelaide leg on the bike time permitting.