*** RDU Melbourne *** 17-19 Oct 2014

Will you be attending?

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Just wondering if there was anyone else travelling down to VIC from Brisbane or SE Qld
I am but i dont think my plans match in with yours , i'll be leaving on the Tuesday Morn, stopping 200klm outside of Sydney , then heading to South Western Sydney to on the Wed to catch up with an old Army mate and do an over nighter at his , Thursday plan is to catch up with a good number of people at Yass for the ride to Albury
I'l be carrying about 7 or 8 litres of HHB 4 possibly 5 different varieties
Hey im heading down the Pacific to Sydney on the way to RDU, want to stop about 200 klm north side of Sydney , anyone know of a nice van park where i can throw out my swag , dont want to venture too far off the highway though.