*** RDU Melbourne *** 17-19 Oct 2014

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Thinking I might arrange stickers again...
Same as this but change the year to 2014 and highlight Melbourne.
Whata you blokes reckon?

Mittzy I've sent your stickers to Owners all over the world .. they have loved receiving them mate ..go for it I reckon.
Stuck the odd one up here and there myself Aussies keep an eye open when travelling.
Mittzy I've sent your stickers to Owners all over the world .. they have loved receiving them mate ..go for it I reckon.
Stuck the odd one up here and there myself Aussies keep an eye open when travelling.

Do it mate. Happy to contribute to the cost.
That's Richard - Costs are on me (Business Expense) and I am getting a mate to do it.
at your own time Mittzy .. when life allows it .. don't want people thinkin Aussies are pushy carntz ..haha