Can i make a suggestion , can some one edit the first post and place the link to van park there so it is easier to find .
Tc what day do you expect to be leaving south OZ to come the GOR i may try and get over and ride back with you if possible or at least meet you half way maybe . Richard have you decided on what you may do ?
@dave64 if you are keen for a spin I am more than happy to have company along the way and can PM you the route I'm taking to meet up with Richard and then the others.
@dave64 if you are keen for a spin I am more than happy to have company along the way and can PM you the route I'm taking to meet up with Richard and then the others.
@dave64 if you are keen for a spin I am more than happy to have company along the way and can PM you the route I'm taking to meet up with Richard and then the others.
Just a heads up Malcy I've heard that Dave64's bike has a decel pop at around 1800 to 2000 rpm and it will frighten fu#k out of you the first few times.
Ha ha perhaps I could have heard it before somewhere north. As long as it doesn't shoot flames out I should be fine. I'll take a spare set of jocks just in case.
Mine does the same since fitting the headers onto the twin cans and with the new crossover pipe. Quite used to it now but at first I was thinking WTF.
It does it equally as well on the single can also but that will soon be gone when I get it tuned.