RDU Catering

B=BBQ is $12.50 i think. S =Seafood is $25 a head
Pretty sure the SS is $25
Donation is if you want to make a donation to Make-A-Wish

Exactly as TC said except BBQ is $12 per head u can find it in RDU financials . Bad luck to any tasmanians lol
Pilchards are best BBQ'd. Everyone knows that. Still taste like ****e but better than other ways.

Hey Hanso, how many bottles you bringing with you? You leaving any room of Ann?

Know why he drags a trailer around now a f#cking 'moonshine mover ' that's all that trailer is !!!!
Pay just landed in my bank..........and Monies in the RDU bank ...HansAnn B S SS D the balance is the donation and depending on finances that may be added too, closer to the date