RDU Batemans Bay 2013 Take 2

well after 8 years of working at the same place I just got sacked today after the company got new management they reckon they cant afford me
so I definitely wont be coming now I need to find a job so I don't need to sell my bike and my house ******* pricks
Tough break EM - best of luck picking something else up soon!
That sux Mitch. I take it ya brother was not part of the new management
That sux Mitch. I take it ya brother was not part of the new management
no my brother was demoted to quality control but they have let him keep his job because of his illness. If they did sack him I would be forced to demonstrate a few combinations on their heads and they r well aware that I would in those circumstances
OH Friggin Crap Mate That's Bad Luck Hope you find a new job fast
Sh!t MAN!!!
That sucks mate. You will find something better for you and pays more money....
Positive thinking, Maybe it works Maybe it don't but it cant hurt.
Let me know if I can help somehow
Stay strong Mitch, things will work out and most likely for the better. You can count on it. The initial sting is always the worst but as one door closes another will surely open.

In the words of Douglas Adams (Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy) "DON'T PANIC".

Thinking of you though, buddy.
Sh!t Mitch that sucks .. seems there's not a lot of job security these days. PM me what sort of work you're looking for and I will ask around. You know how it works mate , just like Richard said ' door shuts and a window always opens' often ending up you better off than you were before.