RDU 2016

Sorry to the guys in Brisbane I was not able to work in a nights Stay so we could have a night out but There will be Next Time.
Ann and I are a Coffs Harbour holed up in a Motel drying out after 170km in the rain this arvo, set the air con on heat turned it up and turned on the ceiling fan on high went next door to the Pub had a nice meal (not as good as the awesome meal Brad cooked up for us last night) but good for a Pub bistro meal had a few ales and went for a good long walk, come back to a stinking hot room but every thing is just about dry, now just airing the room to have a good nights sleep, got a short day planned tomorrow down to Karuah will get there early so I will be able to watch the MotoGP (the Tv had better be working) and nice rest full day before the Monday haul to Home
Arrived in Karuah half hour before the MotoGP started on TV disappointed that Rossi was not able to go with Crutchlow, still a very good race all the same and typical Philip Island sunny but with a breeze that would chill an Eskimo
On to home via western Sydney to hopefully get a new helmet for Ann as her now aging Nolan's chin piece mechanism named twice today and I have been telling her that regardless of how good condition your helmet looks they deteriate and need to be replaced every few years, I am lucky to get 3 to 4 years out of mine as the acids in the skin oil in my scalp wrecks mine
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