RDU 2015

That's the point, eh Trev. People have to want to go.

The build up to the first one was almost as much fun as the event itself - in some ways it was even better. The gloss was taken off it a bit because a couple of individuals simply wouldn't accept anyones opinion that differed from their own, and that attitude carried forward to make the second one almost a flop. I know the guys who went to that one had a blast but it was a mere shadow of the first one and what we all had in mind for these things going forward.

You only have to look at the turn out at Pete's funeral, or the way the Brissy boys do things together, to see that this is a close family that potentially loves to get together. We need to somehow try to capture the vibe that was around prior to Hervey Bay, learn from the mistakes that were made then and subsequently, and get to a point where this becomes something that people WANT.

While we have members who openly admit to posting things just to annoy others and who are deliberately divisive it will always be difficult for others to want to take the time and effort to be around them. The trouble is, people like that are such buffoons they can't see the effect they are having on others. Until they change or leave the scene these get togethers won't happen.
And the third one went well, took a bit of running around prior but we got there and all had fun and good riding. There were no expectations of each other it was quite relaxed and people did what they wanted. Was all good but it's a bit of a head f### if you try to please everyone so you just do it and enjoy it.

I should have included the third one too. I know it was fun for the few who got to it and I certainly don't want to down play the work that you and Ponters put in or the effort that people like Wrecka and Ken went to just to get there, but it still was nothing like what it should have or could have been. Too much damage had already been done.
You will have to enlighten me sometime as I have no idea of the events you speak of as I was newish to the forum when I came to HB. True it was an absolutely magnificent run and a great time up there and well organised. It does take it's toll on people who put this stuff together, I know. Mentally quite draining at times trying to juggle and wondering who will show up etc etc but I would do it all again in a heartbeat just so we can all catch up again. Life is short gentlemen.
I came in late and missed any bun fights or whatever happened prior to our RDU Victoria so I went with an open mind and met some great people who got on really well and I enjoyed meeting everyone of them,I have found over the years being involved in The hot rod scene and being the Secretary of our Club for the last 14 years that it's almost impossible to have 100% consensus in any group ,but if the majority of members or what ever get along amicably the group usually move on and the sh** stirrers and whingers just fade away, as they eventually get the message that they are not wanted,
The RDU is a good concept and a chance to meet other Rocketeers ,life is too short to let the past ruin the future ,our Hot Rod and Custom Club attend 4 annual weekend runs hosted by other Clubs ,and host our own each March and have done so for the last 34 years ,and not everyone is in agreement on all things and we have had some personality/ego clashes but we never stop attending and having a great time. add the 6 or so 3or 4 day Runs away each year with my other mates on the bikes I am a busy old bloke and don't know how I had time to go to work all those years,
In short lets get something organised at least in 2016
Bueat - Sounds like Noonamah Pub in the NT and Kimba Pub for the southern

OK Team - Here it is - I am employed a month on and a month off ( subject to the Oil price doing anything silly !!!!). I am keen to have a go at putting something simple and straight forward together for 2016....... If I am the only one to roll up.... well - I will know have given it a crack. .... What do I wish to get out of it - Meet others who have a similar bike share the good and bad learning's - maybe have a good ride and plenty of laughs....... That's what I would like.... If I can get a bit of feed back to what any other "Rocket men" (and woman) would like out of a weekend OR week gathering then let me know so I can put my thinking hat on...... Also what Rocket pilots DONT want.......... Amongst all that I will endeavour to cobble something together that may entice people to get on the big girl and ride. To give you an idea of my mobility I get back to Aussie on the 29th July - will be at Eucla on the 1st, Perth on the 16th and Alice on the 23rd and back to Adelaide on the 25th.... all on the big girl................ So give me ya ideas - lets have some FUN!
cheers n beers GB
WOW guys!

Suddenly there seems like a heap of enthusiasm and plenty of Rocketeers looking forward to something special for RDU 2016. Thanks guys. I'm unaware of the sh** CanberraR3 and Malcy make reference to and I don't care to be enlightened as this would be unhelpful and destructive.

CanberraR3, cusso ken, G B, HansO, Wrecka and others all apparently wish to move forward and forget whatever occurred previously, more importantly everyone appears focused on the future RDU 2016, so there may even still be a glimmer of hope for RDU 2015.

Please guys, lets keep this great creative, constructive energy flowing and continue the RDU posts which will enable everyone to express and opinionate our own individual preferences, exposing transparent information for all to see and comment on. This will form the basic building blocks to enable common acceptance and hopefully construct an exciting RDU.

But gentlemen remember John Lydgate's famous line: - "You can please most of the people most of the time but you cannot please everyone all of the time".
Sometimes we've all gotta bite the bullet and work towards the future. Life's short!!!!!!
Wasn't Richard or Malcy that was "alluding" to past going-ons , it was me. Agree lifes short etc .. but some things once done are hard to undo .. in some peoples eyes anyway. I was led to believe that the effort put in by the Southern Members to get to the first RDU would be replicated when the venue was to be in NSW and Victoria .. this just didn't happen for numerous reasons. That and the bad blood between a few Members is the reason RDU has seen a decline .. just my view of course.
I agree entirely as I have said before I moved on the past is exactly that The Past if anyone wants to dwell on that...... then let them it will be their ulcer certainly not mine I certainly wont let any one get under my skin.

As far as the future RDU are concerned I picked up a couple of good ideas from the RAA X i just attended recently, anyone organising an get together and wanting those ideas feel free to contact me as I certainly will not be putting anything out in the public for sarcastic twits to condemn as I have better things to do then read immature dribble
incidentally the Victorian and NSW RDU's whilst a smaller were still quite successful as anyone that actually came to them can tell you they were both laid back relaxing with no nitpicking
All well and good that you've "moved on" as I've said before. But you weren't on the receiving end of the very public and un-warranted attack were you. Getting your cronies to join in and sling the sh!t and cause the trouble .. when you were in a couple of hours ride and could have fronted Richard face to face was pretty pisspoor in my book. Just trying to shine some light for those that are asking.. and why interest in RDU has waned for some of us.