I came in late and missed any bun fights or whatever happened prior to our RDU Victoria so I went with an open mind and met some great people who got on really well and I enjoyed meeting everyone of them,I have found over the years being involved in The hot rod scene and being the Secretary of our Club for the last 14 years that it's almost impossible to have 100% consensus in any group ,but if the majority of members or what ever get along amicably the group usually move on and the sh** stirrers and whingers just fade away, as they eventually get the message that they are not wanted,
The RDU is a good concept and a chance to meet other Rocketeers ,life is too short to let the past ruin the future ,our Hot Rod and Custom Club attend 4 annual weekend runs hosted by other Clubs ,and host our own each March and have done so for the last 34 years ,and not everyone is in agreement on all things and we have had some personality/ego clashes but we never stop attending and having a great time. add the 6 or so 3or 4 day Runs away each year with my other mates on the bikes I am a busy old bloke and don't know how I had time to go to work all those years,
In short lets get something organised at least in 2016