RDU 2013 Batemans Bay

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havent heard from Ponters or Malcy yet they had better be comming or else not mention a few from the West or SA come on Guys you know you want to come to my little Paradise

Any West Australians coming would having a riding partner for the long haul home. Not a ride i'd be prepared to do solo to be honest. Too many miles of nothing and no-one should anything go wrong.
Just keep all the creepy creatures out of sight, like the giant snakes and killer spyders
Just keep all the creepy creatures out of sight, like the giant snakes and killer spyders
dont worry I have most of my life eith mtn biking, hikeing, dirt bike riding or 4x4 ing and I think I have seen 5 snakes and killer spiders are not that common, you would have to be very unlucky to get biten by either
I have been ringing around and will be going to have a look at a couple places for accomadation (for those needing it) which will fit our criteria but I think I may have narrowed it down to two, also before I go and see a guy how many of you are likely to want to have a go on jetskis on the Saturday when we have our proposed BBQ at Corigans beach.
The time of year at the end of August beginning of Sepltember the weather is nice with cool nights and sunny days as a rule so if there is anything you guys can think of that you would like to do, let me know I might be able to arrange it
dont worry I have most of my life eith mtn biking, hikeing, dirt bike riding or 4x4 ing and I think I have seen 5 snakes and killer spiders are not that common, you would have to be very unlucky to get biten by either

WTF ive seen more than five snakes in my front yard in the last 2 years

maybe we can get Mex to feed some Koalas to the crocodiles
I have actually seen that many snakes I cannot remember how many but one snake stays in my memory it was a king brown .i was out in the scrub in my truck doing some work driving along a new track that they had just made for me in between the river and two lagoons when this snake was half way across the track ,I stopped to let it get across, when the head started to dissappear the tail came out of bush on the other side of the track .this snake was at least 8 feet long . There was no way I was getting out of my truck , that snake was the type that you give plenty of respect to. I went and told the people that were working less than 100 yards away .the people there couldn't have cared a less ,the snake had been a long time resident and had never caused a problem .yeah right

You both will be there in spirit!!!!
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