RDU 2013 Batemans Bay

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That's shocking news TC; real sorry to hear that. Our thoughts are with Catherine and her mum.

Albany's a long way away mate. Have to get you to recommend somewhere between Adelaide and Border Villiage for the SA RDU.

Sorry to hear that Trev give my regards to Catherine these situations are always hard.
All the best brother ill be sure to look u up if im ever over that way
Hi all, the big fella and I will be there, those dates suit us, we are still around but have been tied up with getting other crap sorted which hopefully be finished in the next two months. From time to time I have a quick sticky beak to see about RDU 2013 as we dont want to miss it, hopefully I will have my Storm by then.

Hey Tomcat,our thoughts are with you, Catherine and her mum.
Thanks fellas .. Catherine just adores her mum, the news has rocked her that's for sure. We only expect to be over in the West for a couple of years. Diagnosis is pretty time-specific with the cancer she is suffering from ... f#ckin cancer , you really begin to wonder if anyones going to dodge that bullet.
Not that it's going to help Catherine's Mum, but that's why I don the dress every year for the "relay for life" so one day there may be a cure for the big C, I nurse far too many cancer sufferers so see the ugly side of the End stages.
Please Trevor, give Catherine a monstrous big hug from My Ann and also an even bigger one from me, I know you will love and support her but let her know we will have her in our thoughts constantly.
Hope your knee surgery goes smoothly like before and have a safe trip over there, if you stay over there long enough you might be able to organise the WA RDU, I couldn't think of a better place than Albany to have a get together and yes your presences will be missed in the Batemans Bay RDU
Hey !! Hi Sweetie how you going, keepin the big fella in line I hope .... probally as much chance of that as there is of Ann keeping me in line
I think we should have a pre RDU meeting at Burleigh Heads, as is the tradition.

Yes I think we should

And we'll have one down this way too.

Maybe Yakandandah if Ponters and Malcy and any others from down there are interested.

But ours will be better

Don't see how.
that just sounds like an excuse for a Piss Up

We need to discuss the RDU
Firstly I need to get some numbers to be able to wrangle a good deal for you guys as far as where you are staying so first question is How many think they are gfoing to be able to make it apart from those that have already posted thier intentions eg
sadly Trevor and the loverly Catherine will not be able to attend
Big Al and Fran and also Mr and Mrs Big Marty have said yes
I cant stress the importance of trying to get the basics organised early so people can aply for leave etc and can get things ordered so it is not left to the last minute, Marty has already offered up some contacts up and we will discus this over the next few weeks hopefully, All Input and Sensible Ideas will be considered and discussed
For all the PM'S and texts that i've got from you blokes , my heartfelt thanks. A man would be hard pressed to find a more caring , genuine and decent crew anywhere ... i am grateful for knowing you blokes and having your friendship. Catherine sends you all a big hug. We truely appreciate all your kind words and offers guess it's true what they say " only thing that life really promises is constant change ..so you got to stay on your f#ckin toes hey !!

Mate how long do you reckon it would take to ride over and say hello for the weekend. I would plan on 1000k's a day, more if I get stuck in.
It's a loooooooooooooooooooooong way mate. Was on my 'to do list' forever .. ride across the Nullabour .. until i saw the place . Wouldn't be much fun on a bike , bad enough in a comfortable air-cond 4X4. There you go , i wouldn't be in a hurry to ride across that's for sure
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