RDU 20

Pausing to reflect on my haste to validate the 17th and that I’m only a bit player in this event. How does everyone feel about locking in the 17th as the date that Walcha will enjoy the ensemble of rockets that gather annually in good spirit.
We are all bit players .....17th is ok

Bike friendly and close to everything by the looks of it
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Any day is fine for me as long as I have my rocket on the road, my XJR didn't keep up last year lol..... will pencil in the 17th Oct.
What’s the plan for the QLD riders?
Friday Bris to Bellingen then Sat to Walcha?
Then reverse on Sunday/ Monday? Or power home on Sunday
Friday to Mon sounds good. Breakfast at the Butter Factory is hard to pass. Hope NSW can keep it together until Oct.
Sh!t oh dear!!!!!
Qld got bit over 1000 covid cases and 6 dead since the fit hit the shan.
The premier has announced the State border is closed until the neighbours have had no new cases for a month.
Looks like Walcha in October is toast