How good was that !!!
The Head to Tenterfield to Bolivia to Bald Knob to Iluka to Casino to the Lions Rd to Beaudesert to home. 1000km.
Fantastic 3 days of fun with plenty of stories to tell.
Already looking forward to Walcha next year.
How good was that !!!
The Head to Tenterfield to Bolivia to Bald Knob to Iluka to Casino to the Lions Rd to Beaudesert to home. 1000km.
Fantastic 3 days of fun with plenty of stories to tell.
Already looking forward to Walcha next year.
Pity someone didn't warn me about the sand lol ..... glad I wasn't on the rocket. Xrays yesterday Drs tomorrow got possibly a chipped collarbone. Haven't been able to sleep since Saturday night, maybe need to get drunk?
Was a great weekend thanks guys even though I got lost at Grafton. Looking forward to next year. All parts arrived for my rocket today woohoo......