RD 350 Project Update

Back to our regularly scheduled programming..
Just got a confirmation the new cylinders and pistons et.al are being shipped. I know how long it takes stuff from Italy to get to Keller, TX, I wonder if India can beat their record (for sloooow). I have a tracking number so I'll check on it from time to time over the next few WEEKS.....
UPDATE: Checking on the status of my pistons/jugs they left Mumbai, landed in Dubai, left Dubai and landed in Memphis, TN yesterday and was sent out early this morning (hopefully to DFW). The 'estimate' of arrival by April 14th is looking possible......
UPDATE: Parts arrive this morning and they are now safely ensconced at The Chop Shop so they can complete the bike. I'll post up some pics of the finished product from them. Still have the front brake to sort out before a test ride, but that should be about it. Looking closer all the time.