RD 350 Project Update

This one is a runner, looks in decent shape, but I bet it stays there for a long time.
At that price, yup.

Darn, the first one was right in my back yard, cheap, but unfortunately I recently moved to Florida.
Paradise, truly, northern gulf coast, rural, absolutely nothing like people picture Florida, the last undeveloped coastal area left.
Well there goes those ideas held since boyhood from the National Geographic adverts with those Aquamaids at Cypress Springs.

I thought you must have talked the missus into renewing your vows in Florida style!

With our record floods in Australia currently and up to 500,000 under evacuation orders or standby in Sydney and coastal areas, it may be a good option for a wedding celebrator business!

Paradise, truly, northern gulf coast, rural, absolutely nothing like people picture Florida, the last undeveloped coastal area left.
Any chance you could send some pics of where you're at? Was just looking at the northern gulf coast on google earth and a lot of it looks wonderfully wild and unspoiled.

Wish I'd known about this area before myself and the family went our holiday to Orlando (which was great for the kids but not really myself and the wife's cup of tea - no offence to anybody from Orlando by the way!)
I'm in Keaton Beach, 15 or 20 miles from Perry.
Now that’s the sort of America I want to go to. Reminds me a bit of Cape Tribulation in Oz back in the early 90’s. We shot, dressed and cooked a wild pig just like that.