Rant...**** Prius driver


Aspiring Student
Jul 25, 2014
Olympia Washington
'21 Z H2, '14 R3R, '02 Daytona 955i
Just need to vent, stuck behind a line of about 30 cars on the freeway in the left lane of a two lane highway going 45-50 back and forth, right lane full of trucks going slower.

Work my way up the line to find a MOTHER****ING Prius with cruise control set to 48 and the owners on his phone in his right hand, can see it through the window. This is a down hill highway, 60mph limit, with no exits or rest stop, no 3rd lane passing areas, and is divided by a concreet wall for about 2 miles.

So after riding his ass for a bit to get the point across this ****er flips ME off, like I'm the problem, so I pass him and about a half mile later the freeway drops to a 45mph limit, I slow down and this botch runs up on my ass at what must have been no less than 70 mph to close the gap and presumably get a picture of my plate.

If there is one brand of car that instantly makes me wish I was In a monster truck so I could smash it like the hulk **** stomping Loki, it's the Prius!!!
I hate the way that many of the bastards who own them drive!

It's like they're going to drive them as slow as necessary to get the mileage they were quoted when they bought the dammed thing!
I haven't met a Prius owner I like. They are a bunch of self righteous global warming anti gas guzzling *****bags. It is a federal highway law that the left lane is not the travel lane but the passing lane. I am not sure about Hawaii's distracted driving laws, but using a cell phone is illegal in most states these days. So my point here is that this self righteous do gooder is breaking more than one law to protect the environment? Or he is just a flaming ass**le. This crap happens to me all the time.
Self centered jerks. The same guy that lets the door slam in your face when going into a restaurant. It's the world we live in.
Makes me appreciate people that are courteous.

I try to go to my happy place and relax a little when I get in that situation.

Not worth imploding over. (speaking from experience)
Yeah, just infuriates me that I can get ticketed for going 5mph over the flow of traffic but other people can drive inconsiderately slow and delay those around them needlessly and that's "ok".
Turned the corner a couple of blocks from home yesterday and see the opposite side of the road closed by police cars and fire trucks. Driving along I see a Prius with the windshield busted and the top caved in. Several cops sitting around a young woman by the side of the road. Heard later that she'd hit a bicycle riding in the bike lane. The bike rider later died in the hospital.

I can't help but think all Prius drivers are excellent candidates for driverless cars. Unfortunately for some, it seems as many of them already treat driving as an annoyance or just something they have to do while checking Facebook or some other brain dead form of social media. I hope she's charged with vehicular manslaughter.