Ramair Roar

I'm pretty sure it will not fit the Touring models. The tank and bear claw is made differently than the standard/Roadster R3s. Maybe I'm wrong but I've been a member on here for a good while and never seen a Ozclaw a touring.

Another thing.... I was interested in buying a Ozclaw a while back. Talked to a member on here that had one but he took it off. He had troubles on the way it is mounted to the bike. Also he said that water can accumulate in the claw and force itself into the throttle bodies. Not sure on this information but that's is what I was told.

Going on what he said I backed out on buying one. Maybe someone will chime in that has one and set the record straight.
Thanks Mully. I’ve since spoken to Les @ oz rider and it doesn’t fit the Touring.... i’m Now going to go to plan B and work out how to cut mine in such a way it doesn’t look a 10 year old has done it....