Ramair question

Maybe it's one of those genetic things. With earplugs and full face helmet, I never noticed any change in the sound. What I did notice is now more heat from the engine is under the seat, and in the winter -- feels nice -- in summer, not so much.

I wondered about that, but I haven't noticed it that much...maybe because I sit on an Airhawk R cushion most of the time. A much nicer ride and the air space keeps your butt from getting hot and sweating. Give it a try Paul...
I wondered about that, but I haven't noticed it that much...maybe because I sit on an Airhawk R cushion most of the time. A much nicer ride and the air space keeps your butt from getting hot and sweating. Give it a try Paul...

Ah, I took an alternate route, same thing though - now have sheepskin covers.

Thank you.

Looks like you are set!
For what it's worth I have the same setup on my 2010 Touring. I don't have the PB crossover yet, though. I'm running the Nels tune.
I wish I could hear that induction music. Must be one of those tones I can't hear. Did give me more top end power!

Just to add...I’ve never noticed the induction noise .
Just to add...I’ve never noticed the induction noise .
Probably the biggest change I noticed was the exhaust, it has a bit deeper growl. Other than that , I now hear a chirping noise when the secondaries are closed. As EastTexasIII (I think - It was years ago) said "It's the throttle bodies singing "Feed Me"".

I tend to agree, but then again... I have the PB crossover as well. That might be it.
I don't know how anyone can't hear the induction roar. It makes more noise than the cans even with a crossover pipe and Tors.