Ramair question

Interesting, I didn't notice the change at the time, but I have secondaries removed and I find the throttle not smooth at all in low speed maneuvering.
Geno, I have 20228 on my 2005. had it for a couple of years now. Was getting around 33Mpg before the new map. Went to 25mpg with the new map, but have been declining. Down to around 22mpg now. Don't care as nearly as much about the MPG as the loss of range. How does your tune compare?
I have a 2016 Roadster which I put the dave platt cans on because I couldn’t stand how quiet it was. This summer I added a crossover pipe and the ramair. You definitely need a tune with the ramair. I grabbed a hanso tune from this site and I’m planning on running it through the dyno next spring. The combination of all those changes really wakes it up with no loss in torque that i can feel. I was out yesterday with a buddy who has a 2014 CVO Roadking with a stage four. He was trying to mess with me at the red lights and every time he was hammering the hell out his CVO I’d just walk way from him without even trying, with a big ass smile on my face of course
That 20228 map is another one that i liked and decided on the 20226 which worked best with my configuration; but i could run the 20228 also and my bike runs fine! "Be Safe"

I'm using map 20222_2SA and on Saturday I went through two tanks of gas getting 39 and 41 mpg. Maybe because on mine the o2 sensor is on.
I'm using map 20222_2SA and on Saturday I went through two tanks of gas getting 39 and 41 mpg. Maybe because on mine the o2 sensor is on.
Hmmm. Do you have Ram Air (Or K&N's) and TORs? If so, how was the performance increase with the new map? I ended up leaving my O2 sensor in after the new map, so I'm pretty sure it's fouled beyond use. I'd happily replace the O2 sensor if this map is worth it.
Maybe it's one of those genetic things. With earplugs and full face helmet, I never noticed any change in the sound. What I did notice is now more heat from the engine is under the seat, and in the winter -- feels nice -- in summer, not so much.
The heated seat will suck in the summer for sure. I wonder if stuffing some insulating material in the no longer used air passageway in the seat will help lesson this. Also, I'll need to be careful of what I store in the old filter box given the heat. I'm thinking a light rainsuit, and other emergency items, like tire repair kit etc could live in that spot. This is my main reason for the ramair. The bike pulls plenty strong for my needs as is!
Thanks for all the help, and suggestions guys. I've downloaded the maps you've suggested for me.

Ram Air, cat bypass.