Ramair /induction noise ?

That's basically true. But as I understand it, the main trick is getting the air:fuel ratio right for the various bike loads - throttle %, RPM load etc.
Best wifey ever: she was tired of listening to all my moaning and debating about the ramair and she just ordered me one for my upcoming birthday!
Interested to see what ur mpg is now with the changes?

FWIW - After installing the CES headers (trip K&Ns already in place) and getting an excellent dyno, where the Air/fuel runs straight and true throughout, mine runs WAY faster and awesome smooth.
However, my fuel consumption went down from 35 to 29. When able, I shall see if my tuner can help this out some, but I am happy, happy in either regard!
Interested to see what ur mpg is now with the changes?
I think mine uses more fuel with the CES and Ramair. Never done a real check wouldn't have a clue how many miles to the gallon just seem to be filling up a bit sooner now. Kinda makes sense more fuel and air in on the fuel map means more fuel out of the fuel tank. Fuelled up in Casino yesterday came home around Mt Lindsay, about 20k of Mt road mainly in 2nd gear aether wide open throttle or braking with the ABS taking over. Light came on at 200k or 120mile. Did I mention I love the sound of the Ramair when your having a crack on a Mt road.
Interested to see what ur mpg is now with the changes?

Personally I don't look at fuel economy too seriously for a couple of weeks after a tune. After having a number of bikes and cars run across the dyno I find that my fuel economy drops because I am exploring/enjoying the vehicle's newly uncovered power. After a couple of weeks my riding falls back in to normal patterns.
... Kinda makes sense more fuel and air in on the fuel map means more fuel out of the fuel tank ...

The flip-side of that is ... more power = less throttle needed to achieve the same speed = better fuel economy for a given speed.

<disclaimer> Of course there are many other factors that come in to play to effect fuel economy so my simplified equation does not always return a net improvement in fuel economy <\disclaimer>
My fuel economy went straight to hell the first month after I put in the Power-tripp map because the bike started revving which it didn't before, so every acceleration was full power just for the thrill. But during the one long run I did this summer, my mileage was something like 36 mpg (6.4l/100 km).
Well, I have put several thou on since the CES and the mileage indeed sux. 29mpg is pretty poor for a motor, IMO. I wonder what those 240 HP Carp bikes get?
I can easily live with the 29mpg because the performance is well worth the additional fuel. Hell, if saving money was my priority, I'd go DS. heh heh heh
Until I can see a real advantage with the Ramair over trip K&Ns, I'll stay put for now regarding my air set up.
On average I get around 33 with the tors and stock air filter, so going down to around 29 is not bad at all as long as the bike performs accordingly, which I'm positive that it will. I knew I can't have best of both worlds but still wanted to have a practical bike and that definitely still falls in that category.