@Oldwarrior asked a similar question but I was unable to find that dam link and even thou I thought I had already saved it I must have saved it in the wrong spot so @James I Thank You and yes I can help you with that
I am waiting for them to email me a copy of the dyno map. I'll put it up here when I receive it.
I didn't go in to the dyno exercise expecting huge power changes as I had already been running with a modified map with secondaries opened etc. My primary aim was to ensure timing and air:fuel was optimal.
Seat of the pants verdict is that the bike is a lot smoother and appears to have more power across the RPM rev range.
On the post-dyno test run I came across a nice steep hill and gunned it at the bottom just to see what throttle response was like. Niiiccce. When I next looked at the speedo I was sitting on 155km/h (an oops moment given that it was a 60km/h zone).
A couple of comments from the tuner …
Even with the modified map my bike was running lean in a number of places, but especially at the high-end 4500RPM and above. He had to throw in an additional 30% in the fuel tables at the high end to fix.
The L tables needed quite a bit of work apparently. If I understand it correctly this is the table the bike uses at low RPM such as heavy traffic etc (happy to be beaten up for the wrong definition). On the ride home I noticed marked improvements in the bike in this area.
His initial comments on viewing my modified map is that the timing appeared to be very advanced. I haven't looked at what changes he made in that area. I'll download the map today and post some info on the changes.
Some stats ... the bike was on the dyno for about 5 hours. Not all that was running of course. Checking the ODO when he pulled it off the dyno he had done 127 km.
I'll post further updates when I have the dyno map and have had a chance to download and analyse the map.
Just out of interest and not knocking anyone for fitting a Ramair filter but how do you know how much extra HP ,have you had the bike Dynoed with the stock filter then had the Ramair fitted and re Dynoed with the same tuner .
I Wonder how many of you would want to pay for 2 Dyno sessions or have someone else fit it for you .
Just asking the question?
I gained just over 20RWHP with the Ramair, somewhere on here is a pic of the results, has a before fit and after fit run on it.................. Try this post @hogweed http://www.r3owners.net/posts/260124/
I'm just finishing up a comparison of my new Dyno'd map vs the crowd-sourced RamAir+TOR map I was running. A couple of interesting things I noticed ...
F Tables: Bike was running Lean at 10%+ throttle and 1200+ RPM. The sweet-spot that I ride in (2000-4000 RPM) has had an additional 10-18% fuel added over the existing map I was running. At high throttle + high RPM it was very lean and you could see the power drop off dramatically on the dyno map. An additional 30%-ish fuel was added to this area.
L Tables: A minimum of 10% fuel was added across the board to the L tables. There is a patch between 1050-4000 RPM where 20-50% fuel has been added over and above the existing map I was running.
2nd Throttle: The tuner has done something interesting with the secondary throttle settings. I won't share this change just yet. I want to have a look at the before/after dyno map (which I am waiting to be emailed) and do some research on the theory behind the change before I share this bit. Sit tight.
More fuel should also mean more air, and a combo of more fuel and air should also mean more power. But this also probably shows that for optimal results one should hit a dyno and dial it all in after going Ramair. Gotta get in touch with the local shop that has one and start asking about rates...