RAMAIR Filters bespoke Rocket-3 underclaw filter.

As I posted in another thread, the bell mouths really do seem to make a difference. I was able to do a direct comparison with the same filter set up and the change is quite noticeable.
I have done a little reading on bell mouths and velocity stacks, enough to know they somehow work, if even a little bit. I have a set of velocity stacks setting here, I am just trying to figure out how to make them work. And also waiting on a set of headers, before I start working on an install.

Yesterday - almost all the prior weeks production had been sold over the weekend - at least one guy on the German forum too.
I know of at least three that want them but are waiting on Wayne and Lushys comments.
I will order one in the next few days. They haven't fit it on a touring model yet, but told me that if it doesn't work, I can send it back. Works for me.

Just a reminder - If you're "thinking" about one - the reduced special price offer ends midnight 20th Oct (UK TIME)

Mine is staying on - bike gets smoother every outing as the PC5/AT keeps trimming. Think I'll need spare driving license or two.
got mine ordered three days ago...already received the notice that it shipped. I've been resisting changing from stock setup until now. Not sure what will be needed to optimize my bike as it has the TORs, cat delete and dealer TORs tune. Guess I'll be asking for help soon.