To answer some questions posed.
The filter is pre-oiled for initial fitting, obviously will need cleaning and re-oiling in service.
It is a 'lifetime' filter unless you damage it.
It does not have flame-trap gauze. In Ramair's considered opinion it is not necessary with the particular type of foam they use.
The filter wasn't conceived to make very large hp but it could very well do so - only dyno testing will tell. The whole point was to be a viable alternative to the triple RU2780's - that would flow better - that would easily fit under a standard bearclaw - that would retain the standard coolant expansion tank and have a properly located IAT sensor.
According to Ramair this filter will certainly flow more air than the RU-2780's, whether they will be sufficient for 240+ hp is not known as yet.
What filters do the high hp engines use at present? I think the Carpenter 240+ is without any filtration at all, isn't it?