RamAir and Expansion Tank


Feb 22, 2018
Escondido, CA
2006 R3 Classic, 2008 R3T, 2009 Harley Ultra
I've removed the stock air plenum on my '06 classic and preparing to install a RamAir unit. Now, of course, it occurs to me that the expansion tank might block airflow to the filter. Do I need to move the tank or can it stay in place? I've done a forum search and see people have relocated the tank under a side panel or under the seat in the old air filter box, neither of which look appealing to me. If I have to move the tank I'd prefer to replace it with one of the chrome tanks I have seen that are bolted to the engine guards.

Opinions and suggestions very welcome, thanks.
I don't think it will make a difference. Air is not being blown in, it is being sucked in. The overflow tank will actually protect the RamAir from dirt and stuff.
Leave it alone it's not going to hurt a bit.
I don't think it will make a difference. Air is not being blown in, it is being sucked in. The overflow tank will actually protect the RamAir from dirt and stuff.
Hey, thanks, that makes my day.