Ram air

Looks pretty efficient to me, I've got the ram air filter system and I'd bet this moves more air, plus it appears to eliminate the "bear claw".
Looks pretty efficient to me, I've got the ram air filter system and I'd bet this moves more air, plus it appears to eliminate the "bear claw".
The intake shown at the beginning of this thread is not a ram air intake. It has a relatively small filter stuck out into the airflow. The filter has a blank cap on the face that is facing the direction of the airflow.
In fact a true ram air intake is a very technical thing to get right. If I was looking to purchase something like that, i'd be wanting to see some proof that it did function in the way it was described.

The intake in the later photos looks far more effective. It just has to be, because just for starters, it is giving the throttle bodies at least three times more filter surface area, and that's before any ram effect.
I was referring to the one LMS/ozrider makes.