Ram Air

Yes, it fits. However, an overly touted "rock screen".
I'm disgusted.
Man, that's not good. Are you saying the Ramair let all that get through without something being radically wrong with the filter such as a torn base at the clamp area or broken filter media? Was the foam filter media oiled before use? Are you driving on a lot of gravel roads??? I've had my Ramair on for many 1000's or kilometers and have recently had it off. My throttle bodies look pristine.
They come pre-oiled, right?
Or are we dealing misinformation here? As a professional mechanic, I felt oil on it, or I never would have installed it without oiling.

Yes, they are pre-oiled. The filter should have a sticky feel to it.
You should not use oil on the Ramair filter. You need to use the proprietary fluid sold by Ramair or the filter media will break down and make one hell of a mess. Ask Carl at Just Rockets.