Hey JCB. I have already done the same thing you're considering. For the forks, I used Racetech Gold Valve Emulators set for
the proper weight along with the correct spring and 20 WT fork oil. This brought the front end a lot more stability
while leaned over or during hard braking. This is a very big beast and the stock stuff is way too "fluffy" for any real
cornering. In the rear, After much research, I went with YSS shocks. I went with 13" length plus opted for the ride
height adjustment. I provided all of the data needed as these shocks are made to order. The bike does pretty well for
a 1,0000 LB'er. It's never going to carve with smaller, lighter bikes but it does very nicely for a
TOURING bike and it will
still leave an Ultra in the rear view mirror in the twisties! The secondary reason to do this for me was the fact that I like
to tour long distance. That means fully loaded down and two up. It's almost mandatory if your riding in this fashion. The
stock stuff is overtaxed unloaded and downright sloppy when loaded down and two up. Advice: Use the "improving safety" angle to sell it to your wife! She will let you spend the $ if it's for safety and not just something you "want".
Good luck.