I had Frogg Toggs years ago and hated them, maybe they have improved. They felt like soft card board and would melt with the slightest touch of the exhaust pipe.
I have used my Frog Toggs for the past 5 years, no leaks yet. they will melt but their is a repair kit available. and it works. they are the best available for the price.
Be a bit risky in Texas these days wouldn't it .. the law seem to have the hots for anyone riding a bike that looks gangy (not sure gangy is actually a word)
That said, since i coated my gear with the water repellent spray I don't use wet weather gear anymore. Really only were the Aerotec to keep the cold wind out.
Maybe see if you can get any top notch repellent spray in your neck of the woods.
Be a bit risky in Texas these days wouldn't it .. the law seem to have the hots for anyone riding a bike that looks gangy (not sure gangy is actually a word)