Radiator protectors UK

Horizontal and another satin black please.

+ another satin black horizontal
+ a polished horizontal.

Both of mine to be sent to @Longrider too so we can split the postage 3 ways and I get an excuse to go for a ride and say hello.

Happy to go the other way and have them sent here if you want an excuse to visit Canberra again Richard.

I'm happy to be a delivery point if others want to share combined postage to Oz which is murderous from the UK to Oz even with Royal Mail.

What is you Paypal address for the deposits @hogweed ?

If everyone makes their deposits and payments as 'Send money to friends/relatives' in GBP£ @hogweed will not get stung with commercial seller's fees or currency conversion fees by Paypal.

Otherwise as a seller also paying Paypal a % fee for Intl postage (which can be 35% of the total), just raises the final cost for the receiver that the seller must then charge.
Please could the people that want to put down a deposit PM me with the design, finnish(polished or satin black) and quantity.
Also what Country so i can get a shipping cost.

All good, replied to PM so they can all go to @Ishrub That way any other Canberra or thereabouts can get them there and if anyone in the Southwest wants in, I can organise a meet up somewhere.
Is this how the darkweb works? We begin innocently buying motorcycle parts .... what will it be next? Romanian Housemaids?